life rule number one is definitivelyalways ask the surfer tryna get in your pantsif he marriedgot a gf always! Monthly Mood: Clean i think i am finally clean.—t swift I’m at the point in my Trip (five years and some) where I can spend all day, all year, looking back. Which of course defeats the… Read More

Trying to convey an entire month, two months tardy, is a terrible idea. Monthly Mood: Flying With Beer e na vida a gente tem que entenderque um nasce pra sofrerenquanto o outro ri —tim maia The camera roll claims that February Vivian ate flying noodles and salty nose dives. Rainy day waves smashed, dragged, and… Read More

“27 is a good year,” someone comments to me, days before I turn a year older. And it is. 27 just sounds better. Almost a quarter gone by the time I publish this post, these are some stills from my birthday month. A great many people do believe that to be single is to be… Read More

November, Nepal, Nepali November of my dreams. The month starts with clocking into Namche Bazaar and ends with coming down from the Gosaikunda track. In between, the heartiest autumn dosage of Mount Everest views. I see my first high altitude psychedelic chickens (see ‘bird of the month’ below) and still haven’t gotten over it. So… Read More

When The Vegan Way pressed a farewell slice of carrot cake into my hands and bid me a safe journey to Sri Lanka, I said I’d be back in October. What do you know, I awaken once again on the shores of paradisiacal Phewa. The lake winks at me that yes, it’s autumn. Yes, I’m… Read More

If I’m tardy it’s because I don’t know how to convey the amount of shit that hit the fan. Trust that a lot did. That the juiciest parts will come some day in paperback. The life affairs sketched in this post refer to mid-August till September end. Monthly Moods will now drop at midnight on… Read More

My salty Sri Lankan summer nears the two month mark and at times I feel like the only foreign female walking around without a beach boy slung stylishly over my arm. My leash tan fossilizes herself to my right ankle and on most days I’m totally eating it in a washing machine of brine. July… Read More

Our warming planet has completed seven laps around the sun since I first stepped foot on Kenyan soil and changed my life with #solofemaletravel membership. Having spent the recent years in South Asia, festering heaps of plastic waste have never been more in my face. Sustainable Habits From Seven Years Of Solo Female Travel Once… Read More

I generally avoid the term ‘curry’ because the term is degrading. Nothing was traditionally named ‘curry’ in the lands credited for its origins. However, little terminology for Sri Lankan cuisine exists beyond ‘rice and curry’ in this surf town. Hand-painted signs in front of residential homes advertise RICE AND CURRY AND LAUNDRY. Indeed my month… Read More

warning: the photos in this post may upset the reader day 1610 sri lanka what is more beautiful than a bat? nothing. truthfully. i watched you fly in, dark shifting shapes circling, lost, trying to get out. like me trapped in my mind. i took my time to get to the fan switch. just as… Read More