i was not hoping to be loved again, to bring back something that doesn’t exist, to make you mineor was i?that’s the beauty of traumayou’re not sure of anything any more wow new content! two simple recipes Hemp Breakfast Bowl and Mouse au Avochoco nosy for my own good Nepal’s Trekker Lodge Menu, Dissected And… Read More

‘My mixie’ refers to the multiple countertop blenders I have come to know and love who helped make me into who I am today. My main mixie was purchased in Rishikesh and accompanied me to Parvati Valley and down to Gokarna. Our monogamous relationship lasted seven months. My Mixie And Me My mixie and me… Read More

The poultry industry often severs the beaks of layer hens with a practice known as ‘debeaking.’ In Nepal, both the upper and lower beaks are heavily trimmed, even for chickens sold to be raised in the backyard, making it obvious which were born in the village and which in the factory. The Face Behind The… Read More

If I’m going to pay thrice the reasonable amount for a cup of hot lemon ginger honey, then at least give me real lemons. And a drop of genuine honey in the ‘honey’ would be really nice. 34 days walking the Annapurna Circuit led to the unfortunate discovery of an assortment of menu inaccuracies asking… Read More

Ukalo oralo: a Nepali special. A colloquial go-to meaning steep ascent and downhill. Ukalo oralo go the trails weaving between 8,000-meter peaks. Ukalo oralo goes my emotional rollercoaster.     the secret of the mountain is that the mountains simply exist, as I do myself: the mountains exist simply, which I do not. the mountains… Read More

Deep lessons and physical exertion dialed to 100 percent. Money concerns me less than ever. Tossed from one immigration official to the next, I chug the water I had just filled in my bottle as I am forced to go through security again while boarding has already begun, and sprint toward my Kathmandu flight in… Read More

Turns out February is a 28-day scam and a sixth of 2022 is already defunct and I want my money back. My emotions are rolling and coasting thanks for asking. The country I trusted through the vicissitudes of a pandemic and whose economy I contributed to with my life savings for two years invoices me… Read More

Days soaking in intense growth and pure magic. Being gentle with myself when I feel tender. My trip celebrates her fourth birthday. My unaltered hair turns 15-months-old. Monthly Mood: The Universe Loves Me life is a gift. you have not deserved it in the first place. it is not your right. it has been given… Read More

i have culture shock when i read my posts even though i lived those events—me, Day 1,378, WhatsApp chat Monthly Moods: From Lost To Ground Yet another month of working on myself and not letting life pass me by becomes two. I present a double monthly update. Cheers to new discoveries in already twice-lived places,… Read More

This ball of brown exudes nourishment as it glistens with moisture on the plate (or leaf). Paired with spicy vegetarian broths or rich and meaty sides, the earthy taste of ragi mudde has an advanced level of acquirement that falls somewhere between ceviche and balut. Perhaps what most distinguishes mudde is that it is not… Read More