life rule number one is definitivelyalways ask the surfer tryna get in your pantsif he marriedgot a gf always! Monthly Mood: Clean i think i am finally clean.—t swift I’m at the point in my Trip (five years and some) where I can spend all day, all year, looking back. Which of course defeats the… Read More

Trying to convey an entire month, two months tardy, is a terrible idea. Monthly Mood: Flying With Beer e na vida a gente tem que entenderque um nasce pra sofrerenquanto o outro ri —tim maia The camera roll claims that February Vivian ate flying noodles and salty nose dives. Rainy day waves smashed, dragged, and… Read More

“27 is a good year,” someone comments to me, days before I turn a year older. And it is. 27 just sounds better. Almost a quarter gone by the time I publish this post, these are some stills from my birthday month. A great many people do believe that to be single is to be… Read More

Vietnam is the cradle of sophisticated dishes that exude healthy colors and flavorful innovations. A general formula for a Vietnamese dish includes a serving of rice-based wraps or noodles, a tart dipping sauce or hearty bone broth, and a hand-plucked selection of raw leaves and herbs for garnish. Prices are affordable, markets stimulate all five… Read More