Spring Break 2016

This summer I’ll be in the winter, immersing myself in the world of South America.

I craved the cultural isolation of solo backpacking, and the deeper understanding of different cultures only found from longer stays abroad. I wanted to test my capability to be one of those backpackers, who don’t have plans, except to travel for the sake of travel.

I wouldn’t call this an attempt to try and “find myself” because I know myself pretty well. I might change, learn new skills, and that’s fine.

Chile and Argentina have always drawn my interest. Lima, Peru was cheapest to fly to.

My rough idea is to head to Chile, see Argentina around June and possibly see a bit of Uruguay, Paraguay, or even Brazil. Doing some more workaways would be nice. Definitely want to end my loop through Bolivia and Lake Titicaca, and explore Huaraz in Peru.

I just want to meet people. And let life happen.

Packing was hard because I have a minimal amount of photography and blogging gear on me this time, and I had to prepare for all types of weather. I ended up using a compression sack on my wardrobe. Oh, and Clif bars.



To save money, I’ll filter as much bathroom water as I can for drinking. Bananas and eggs are always cheap. I’ve been looking into couch surfing, and when I take long-distance busses I’ll try to pick overnights so I don’t need a hostel. Again, all my trips are 100% funded by myself with scholarship savings.

I love going alone because I’m never actually alone. I’m constantly talking to locals and other travelers, so much so that it’s sometimes hard to be productive. I eat what I want when I want. I sleep where I want, hike at my own pace, take photos for as long as I like.

When I return, I’ve got two years left of undergraduate, ideally followed by medical school, as I pursue my goal to become a physician involved in global health.

So here I go, 3.5 months, no rush, just me and my backpack and a little more of the world to uncover.




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