Today I can only output, and take no input. I can create and express, but I can’t speak or read or message. These verses burst from me during this day, and they wouldn’t exist without my quiescence.

Day 814

1 May 2020

No markets open
No new food.

India’s lockdown is no joke
Police scoot by
Canes ready to prod and poke.

Foreigners can’t walk on the streets
Some folks look at me rude.

Whatever they see
It doesn’t matter to me
I choose to be free.

This hostel is my ashram
Raama Raama
Hare Raama.

Inhale energy
Exhale gratitude.

Inhale gratitude
Exhale love
Loving kindness.

From the center of my heart
To the tips of my nose, fingers, and toes,
I’m in a fucking good mood.

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